Smart Home | Home Automation | Margate | Longport | Avalon | Stone Harbor


  We would like to welcome the DALI Loudspeaker line and specifically the new DALI EPICON 2 Reference Monitor Speakers to Shore Sound & Cinema! If you've dreamed of amazing sound from a smaller speaker... the EPICON 2 is the perfect escape. Don’t be fooled by the size of the beautiful speaker. Poised gracefully upon[...]

OVRC Pro – Remote Management Services

Shore Sound & Cinema now offers an amazing service that allows for the remote management of all of your IP enabled network devices! OVRC Pro allows us to manage, troubleshoot and repair problems remotely. With OVRC Pro we can remotely reboot a frozen device such as your cable box, rename your Wi-Fi newtwork, reset your passwords or[…]

Updated Image Gallery

Can’t believe it’s 2017 already! The Summer passed and was literally a blur. Team SSC has been rocking and rolling on many new projects and we’ve wrapped quite a few, so I thought I’d take a few minutes to update our Install Gallery and we will keep the Gallery as up to date as possible.[…]