Category: Friends & Family
Shore Sound & Cinema truly loves our Friends & Family! Stop by our social media pages to see new products. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube to see our galleries of our projects and installations.
To join our our extended family, stop by our Employment Page apply and download an employment application.
We’re Hiring!
Updated Image Gallery
Can’t believe it’s 2017 already! The Summer passed and was literally a blur. Team SSC has been rocking and rolling on many new projects and we’ve wrapped quite a few, so I thought I’d take a few minutes to update our Install Gallery and we will keep the Gallery as up to date as possible.[…]
Happy New Year
Hello Shore Sounders… As 2015 winds down and 2016 is just hours away, I would like to say Happy New Year to our extended Shore Sound & Cinema family. You are so much more to us than customers and we greatly appreciate your business and friendship! The SSC team wishes everyone a safe and[…]
Happy Turkey Day!
Shore Sound & Cinema and our families would like to take this time today to wish you and your family a blessed, bountiful day . And to our friends that have served or have loved ones currently serving… Thank You for your service. Freedom is not Free and we honor those who protect us and maintain the[…]